Marketing Headhunters Share Virtual Call Mistakes That Kill Your Executive Presence

marketing headhunters

As marketing headhunters, MarketPro has seen many marketers struggle to overcome the obstacles with working virtually. This is especially true when it comes to video conference calls. The slightest misstep or disruption can destroy a meeting’s focus. Oftentimes, marketers don’t even realize they are causing a disruption. You must re-evaluate how you are presenting yourself as a top marketer. It goes beyond dressing professionally and having a good workspace. If you plan on furthering your career, it is more important now than ever to display your executive presence.

How you present yourself has the potential to separate you from all your competitors. MarketPro has witnessed the misconception executive presence is a trait that comes naturally to some. You either have it or you don’t. The truth is, executive presence is a skillset top marketing talent must continue to work on as they climb the corporate ladder.

In today’s society, conference calls have become a staple for many companies. You should continue to practice the same executive presence you would have demonstrated in the office. However, there are other important online etiquettes you need to be aware of. The good news is you can easily ensure your conference call game is top-notch by implementing these pointers form the top marketing headhunters into your next meeting.

Recruiters For Marketing Executives Shares Most Common Mistakes On Video Conference Calls:

Technology Problems

When it comes to technology, there is no 100% guarantee it will function perfectly all the time. The best method marketing headhunters have found to ensure it runs smoothly is to test it beforehand. Give yourself enough room to test out the software. Have you downloaded the program correctly? Is the program working? Have you checked the video and microphone?

If you have a presentation coming up, make sure you run it by someone. Seeing how your presentation will look to another person is the key to looking professional at all times. Overlooking these essential questions can cause you stress and delay the start of your meeting.

Unfortunately, consistent technical failure will lead coworkers to perceive you as unreliable. It can derail all your executive presence efforts. With many years of experience, recruiters for marketing executives continue to stress the importance of testing everything before any virtual meetings. Don’t let a little hiccup keep you from accomplishing your ultimate end goal.


Lighting during a video conference call can be tough to get right. The biggest mistake marketing headhunters see marketers make is forgetting to check how you appear on other attendees’ screens before your meeting. Here are a few tips to remember the next time you have a call:

  • Your lighting should be coming from in front of you. Not behind.
  • Balance your light. Use light sources from all different kinds of angles.
  • Make sure the light is not too bright. It will wash you out.
  • Natural light is always the best option.

Talking Over People

Participating in the meeting is a great way to practice your executive presence. However, it is disrupting when people talk over one another. Oftentimes, this could be the cause of slow internet speeds or lagging. It could take some time before someone’s response gets transmitted and received.

If you have experienced this in the past, take a short pause. Factor in the possibility of the lag time before you respond. You can also anticipate the end of their thought process before you chime in. Noticing when you should talk and listen is one of the key fundamentals for all professional marketers.

Utilizing chat windows is another great option when you need to discreetly or personally inform a colleague of a certain matter. Interrupting a meeting for a small or unrelated matter will deem you as unprofessional. It is always a good idea to take these tips into consideration to make sure you and your colleagues are getting the most out of your call.

Not Muting Your Microphone

Background noise is one of the most distracting elements during a call. If you are not talking, always mute yourself. Not only does it reduce the amount of noise but it gives the focus to whoever is speaking. Simple etiquettes like these can raise your executive presence with little to no effort at all.

Appearing Sleepy

“Your appearance, attitude, and confidence define you as a person. A professional, well-dressed golfer, like a businessperson, gives the impression that he thinks that the golf course and/or workplace and the people there are important.” ― Lorii Myers


Recruiters for marketing executives have heard many marketers claim multitasking is one of their strong suits. This skillset can be useful in different situations. However, multitasking while on a call is not recommended.

Your coworkers can recognize when you are engaged or distant by your eye movements and facial expressions. This will cause a lack of focus in the meeting. As a top talent, you need to be fully invested in all your meetings. Take some time to breathe and just listen. You may find yourself more productive when you do one thing at a time.

Eating While On The Call

Working from home can cause many marketers to lose track of time. You may be extremely busy and forget to eat lunch. As marketing headhunters, we know it happens even to the best marketers. However, you should not be eating on any call. The crunching of chips or smacking of gum even when you are muted is distracting. Overall, it does not display a positive representation.

The best solution is to create a schedule. When are you going to take a lunch break? How long do you want to spend on one task? Knowing a start and end time frame will mitigate the risk of burnout. It ensures you are fully focused on the task at hand.

Noisy Jewelry

A professional appearance is the starting point of exerting your executive presence both in-person and virtually. However, you need to be aware of how loud your jewelry can be. The jingle of earrings or clacking of bracelets creates unnecessary noise within the call. It can be difficult for your co-workers to follow your train of thought when they can’t hear you. As the saying goes, “less is more”. Be aware of these small distractions. It is a great way to increase the productivity and creativity within your meeting.

With the proper tips, video conference calls can be a great way to show your executive leadership. To be professional, you must act professionally. This is your chance to advance yourself and further your career ambitions.

Author:  Melissa Van Rossum