Post-Interview Thank You Notes: A Small Detail With A Big Impact

Post-Interview Thank You Notes

MarketPro has led the industry in recruiting and placing top-tier talent in executive C-Suite marketing positions for the past 25 years.

During that time, we have witnessed the world of business marketing evolve significantly in response to advancements in technology, changes in consumer behavior, improvements in the way data is gathered, analyzed, and used for precision audience targeting, and the rise of digital media, just to name a few. What has not changed is that organizations are still looking to hire top talent who are detail-oriented, humble, possess finesse and business acumen, and demonstrate that they value people’s time and expertise.

A Properly Crafted Thank You Note May Get You The Job

The interview process for senior-level marketing positions is extremely competitive, and when a hiring organization has two strong candidates, sometimes it is the little things that can separate one candidate from another.

In my role as president of MarketPro, I have the pleasure of interacting with both the candidates we choose to place and the representatives of the organizations that retain MarketPro to perform their executive search. This gives me a unique opportunity to hear insightful and interesting feedback from hiring managers at various stages of the process, as well as afterward.

One of the things I have witnessed is the power of a simple thank-you note when it is done right. Unfortunately, many candidates do not send them, or if they do, they are done incorrectly. Today, I want to pass on some observations to executive job seekers that can have a positive impact on moving your career forward. Following are some valuable guidelines on how to construct a post-interview thank-you note.

Post-Interview Thank You Note Guidelines

A thank-you note can differentiate you from other candidates because not everyone will take the time to write one. In today’s marketplace, we have seen that handwritten notes are no longer necessary, and sending a thank-you note via email after an interview for an executive marketing position is not only appropriate but also practical. It allows you to promptly express your gratitude to interviewers and ensure the message reaches them in a timely manner.

It must be well written while following a few basic guidelines, or it can have the opposite effect and negatively impact your chances of landing the job.

Elements Of A Good Thank You Note

Send A Note After Each Interview

A thank-you note should be sent after every step of the interview process, which may mean that you may send multiple thank-you notes to the same person. Each note should be well thought out and specifically customized for that person and that specific interview.

Each Interviewer Should Receive A Note

Send each individual their own note; do not send one that is addressed to a group of people. For example, if you meet with the CEO and the Head of HR during the same interview, you send them each their own thank-you note.

Each Note Should Be Customized

Craft the thank-you note to be unique for each person and include something specific to the conversation you had with that person. For example, if you are writing to the HR executive, you could mention something about the company culture that appeals to you.

Treat Thank You Notes As An Important Part Of The Interview Process

Make sure you take the time to put significant thought into your thank-you notes. You have already invested a lot of time preparing for and going through the interview process, and the small investment in time you take to craft a well-written thank-you may pay off in a big way.

Copy The Executive Search Firm

As an executive search firm, we want you to build a strong relationship with what ultimately may be your future employer, but we appreciate being kept in the loop. Always remember to add your MarketPro contact in the cc field of the email.

Thank You Note Mistakes to Avoid

Attempting To Re-interview

The sole purpose of your thank-you note is simple, and you should stay focused on expressing your appreciation for the time the individual has taken to meet with you and consider you for the opportunity. It is not the time to try to go back and answer an interview question in more detail that you think you responded poorly to the first time.

This is a thank-you note, not an additional interview round, and may even create an issue when there wasn’t one in the first place. Highlighting your lack of confidence in yourself or the way you responded to a question during your interview process can open up questions, and the hiring manager might have liked your answer anyway. Why did you not answer the question correctly the first time? Were you unprepared? Do you not think well on your feet? We have never seen one of our clients respond well to thank-you notes that contain an attempt to re-interview.

Being Too Generic

Never copy and paste the same note for each person involved in your interview process. You may be surprised, but these individuals collaborate with each other, and demonstrating your lack of forethought and attention to detail will reflect negatively on you as a candidate.

Spelling and Grammatical Errors

Check and recheck each note for any spelling or grammatical errors. Not long ago, we were hired for a Chief Marketing Officer search by a company that ended up restarting their search instead of hiring their initial top candidate. The candidate interviewed well, but after everyone in the interview process received the same copied and pasted thank-you note that contained a number of spelling and grammatical mistakes, it caused enough concern for the company to start over. Was not the best look for a candidate who had an Ivy League MBA.

Trust MarketPro To Find The Right Next Step

When you’re ready to make your next strategic career move, trust MarketPro to connect you with the best opportunities available. With more than 25 years specializing in executive marketing recruitment and a proven track record, we have earned an esteemed reputation in the industry for connecting top-tier talent with exceptional opportunities. Let us help you achieve your career goals and find the best next step for you.