As a marketing executive recruitment company, MarketPro has guided many individuals in their marketing executive salary negotiation. Today, different states have different regulations when it comes to asking about salary history. While the law is meant to protect the privacy of candidates and provide equality, it comes with unintended consequences.
Ultimately, this could lead candidates in the wrong direction and result in lost opportunities. The tough part is gaining an understanding of the real world salary ranges and how you are going to validate your expectations in the process of salary negotiation. Oftentimes, the data publicly available on popular websites are inaccurate and don’t account for your potential employer’s company size, industry, geographical location, and many other important aspects of salary negotiation.
As a result, our marketing executive recruiters often see two types of scenarios: the candidate will either not provide a range or they will have expectations that are not in line with their true market value. Ideally, if you as a candidate are not willing to provide salary history, you need to make sure you are well equipped with reliable facts to win the negotiation.
How do you make sure you have reliable information? What should you account for when negotiating marketing executive salaries? Bob Van Rossum, President of MarketPro, answers these questions, and these tips are great for negotiating salaries at any point in your career.
Video: Avoiding Mistakes When Negotiating Marketing Executive Salaries
If you are ready to find a new marketing role, learn more about how to negotiate salary in states that have outlawed pay history questions here.